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  1. Give three reasons why the British were able to suppress the Ndembrlr uprising in Zimbabwe.
    1. The British used firearms against the

    Ndembele/better weapons/inferior weapons of Ndembele. ii) African communities in Zimbabwe were not united against the British/the Ndembele were not united. iii) The ruthlessness qith which the British handed resistors demoralized the Ndembele warriors.

    1. The British were supported by some African warriors against the Ndembele.
      1. The British soldiers were better trained and better organized, vi) The fleeing and final death of Lobenguela in exile demoralized the ndembele.


  1. Apart from Nigeria, name three other West African countries which were ruled by Britian.
    1. Gambia – Sierra Leone – Ghana Gold Coast ii) Togo (after 1914) – a section of Cameroon. VJ!


  1. a) Name three colonies in N. Africa which were colonized by France during the

    19th Century.

 –  Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Mauritania.

b) Explain six factors which facilitated European colonization of Africa in 19th Century.

  1. Some Africans rulers were ignorant of the true implications of the protectorate treaties which they signed with the European imperialists/signing treaties.
  2. Some Africans collaborated with imperials who used superior military weapons against the African communities.
  3. The Europeans imperialists used superior military weapons against the

African communities.

  1. European imperialist missionaries who were already perating in Africa persuaded some African rulers to accept European rule. For example, in Bugarida, Kaka Mwanga had refused to sign a protectorate treaty with captain Fredrick Lugard in 1890 but the Chrsitian missionaries persuaded him to sign it.
  2. European traders operating in Africa persuaded their respective governmnets to acquire those. African territories which they regarded as their commercial spheres vi) The discovery of quinine during the first half of the 19th Century reduced the European mortality rate in Africa. This made it possible for Europeans to stay in Africa and impose their rule on the Africans.

vii) The Europeans had worked out their strategies of occupation in Berlin

Conference. They also co – operated to deal with the African/Berlin Conference.


  1. What methods did European powers use to acquire colonies in Africa?
    1. They signed treaties with the rulers.
    2. They used military force to subdue communities which resisted.
    3. They signed treaties among themselves to partition African e.g. the 1890


    1. Use of treachery e.g. with Menelik in Ethiopia.


  1. Give two economic reasons which made European powers to scramble for

    African colonies.

    1. Search for markets for their manufactured goods.
    2. Search for sources of raw materials for their industries. iii) Desire by the entrepreneurs to invest excess capital.


  1. Give two methods that European powers used to occupy Africa during the nineteenth Century.
    1. Diplomacy/treaty making/promises of protection/giving gifts, ii)

     Trickers/use of missionaries’ explorers/traders, iii) Military conquest e.g. the French in West Africa, iv)  Divide and rule tactics i.e. playing off one community against another/promoting

    later state conflicts.

    1. Annexation
    2. Setting up administrative posts.


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