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  1. Describe eight (8) impacts of the movement of tectonic plates.
  2. Describe the landforms formed along the margins of tectonic plates.
  3. Describe the landforms formed along the destructive margins of tectonic plates.
  4. Describe the landforms formed along the constructive margins of tectonic plates.
  5. (a). Discuss the causes of movements of tectonic plates their margins (b). What evidences support plate movement?
  6. Use expressive examples to narrate the roles of theory of Isostacy on the formation of land forms.
  7. To what extent can the theory of plate tectonic explain the present landforms in East Africa?
  8. “Plate tectonic theory is a new version of continental drift theory”. Elaborate
  9. Write on the theory of continental drift
  10. What do you understand by the theory of Isostacy
  11. The theory of continental drift is irrelevant to the African continent. Discuss
  12. Describe five causes of plate tectonics movement and provide its existence by providing four evidence
  13. State the theory of Isostacy. Appraise the theory as the basis in explaining the formation of major landforms on the earth’s surface.
  14. To what extent the topographical nature of oceanic floor is related to the plate tectonics activities?
  15. Examine the possible theories of mountain building
  16. The lithosphere is restless. By providing evidence give an account on the causes of and the effects of the lithosphere restlessness on the earth’s surface.
  17. Describe with diagrams the effects of orogenesis in plate tectonic theory
  18. (a) Explain the importance of the theory of plate tectonic.

(a) With examples describe the three plate margins.


  1. (a). John, Jonathan and Joseph are pre-form five students at Ahmes secondary school. Two days before yesterday they had serious discussion about the shape of our planet Earth. John said that “Our planet earth is flat in shape like a table” and Jonathan said that “Our planet earth is spherical in shape like a ball”. Discussion ended with no clear conclusion and evidences. You as a form six student, you are requested to end up the discussion with clear conclusion and detailed evidences. (8 points)
    1. In the above discussion Joseph came with a new idea which is far from John but nearly to Jonathan. Joseph said that “Our planet earth is not exactly spheroid”. Do you have comments about Joseph statement? (4 points)
  2. (a) Explain the effects of Earth’s shape.
    1. Explain five (5) effects of the Earth’s force of gravity.
  3. Justify the sphericity of the planet earth with vivid evidence.
  4. Describe the internal structure of the earth.
  5. Examine the vertical structure of atmosphere.
  6. Describe the composition of atmosphere and its functions to the universe.
  7. (a). What is ozone layer depletion?

(b). Explain the causes and effect of ozone layer depletion.

  • Identify and explain the physical properties that can be used to identify the variety of minerals on the earth`s surface.
  • Account for the classification of major types of rocks based on their mode of formation
  • (a). Define rock cycle?

(b). Explain and give evidence which supports its existence

  • (a). Why is earth not exactly a spheroid?

(b). Provide evidence of the earth`s sphericity.

  • “No atmosphere no life” Discuss


  • On 10th September 2016 there was a natural disaster in Bukoba Tanzania Town in Kagera Region. Some people have been associated that with SPIRITUAL ISSUES. As a geographer, give a detailed explanation of the two causative and side effects of the referred disaster.
  • Give an account of main features resulting from extrusive vulcanicity
  • Give an account of the landforms resulting from intrusive vulcanicity
  • With the aid of diagram show the world distribution of earth quake
  • Outline the major features associated with volcanic activity
  • Give an account of the land forms resulting from intrusive igneous activity
  • Give an account on the volcanic features and its merits to human life.
  • Briefly discuss the conditions that produce hot springs and geysers
  • By using examples, examine causes and effects of earth quakes.
  • Explain the relationship between earthquake and vulcanicity.
  • Explain the values of volcanism for the development of the society. Give eight points
  • Consider the global distribution of volcanoes and distribution 

(a). Types of volcanoes

(b). Eruptive features of volcanoes


43. Substantiate the contention that “Rocks are dynamic in nature” 44. Attempt a classification of rocks by their mode of formation. (1988)

  • (a). Classify igneous rocks according to the chemical composition.

(b). Describe with examples the economic significance of rocks in the economic development of the country.( mock2017).

  • With examples, examine eight values of rocks to human kind. (NECTA 2015).
  • Give an account of the major division of the geological time scale
  • With examples, classify sedimentary rocks according to their mode of formation and examine their importance to human kind
  • Sedimentary rocks are said to be both industrial raw materials and sources of energy. Justify 
  • “Despite of having different colors and shapes but all minerals have the same characteristics”. Discuss
  • Discuss the environmental impact of greenhouse effect and global warming
  • Classify Igneous rocks according to the place of occurrence and the chemical composition 53. With examples examine eight values of rocks to human kind


  • Diagrammatically, show how the physical change of the rock results into its disintegration.
  • Examine the role of carbonation as a chemical weathering process in the evolution of landscape (MOCK 2017).
  • (a) What is Karst scenery?

(b) Discuss the origin and nature of Karst landscape.

  • Giving vivid examples, explain the effects of diastrophic forces on the earth`s crust
  • Using concrete examples explain how faulting has been responsible for the landscape evolution
  • Examine the nature and distribution of the world`s major mountain systems
  • Landscape is the function of rock structure, process and stage. Discuss the statement in relation to the cycle of land forms development.
  • Explain the nature and spatial distribution of the world`s major fold mountain
  • Describe and explain the various landforms associated with faulting process
  • Basing your discussion on the nature of their formation attempt the classification of mountain type(1976)
  • Distinguish between rock weathering and erosion.
  • Explain the conditions needed in the atmosphere for condensation and precipitation to take place
  • Discuss the development of surface and subsurface features in limestone region.
  • Identify the major types and causes of land slide
  • “All erosional and deposional features in hot desert result from wind action”. Criticize the statement.
  • Analyze six (6) fluvial erosional features produced in desert areas.


  • With concrete examples explain eight (8) factors affecting the temperature of air and the earth surface. 
  • Give an account on the factors influencing temperature inversion.
  • (a) Outline three pressure systems.
    • Differentiate absolute from relative humidity.
    • Identify and explain five (5) importance of humidity as a climatic variable.
  • The character of the energy received by the earth’s surface from the sun is affected by the number of factors. Justify
  • “The atmospheric insulation is not equally distributed all over the world”. Substantiate this statement with eight (8) points.
  • By the sketch of world map, attempt a global distribution of the following.
    • Coral reef
    • Coniferous forest
    • Mediterranean climate      (MOCK 2017)
    • Hot desert
    • Earthquake
  • Explain five (5) factors which influence the direction, speed and strength of wind systems. (MOCK 2017)
  • Account for the location of hot desert (NECTA 1994).
  • Outline the characteristics of hot deserts (NECTA 1988).   
  • Explain the distribution and characteristics of equatorial climate (NECTA 2001).
  • What are the factors affecting the amount of insolation on the earth’s surface (NECTA 1978).
  • What is meant by the lapse rate? In what ways does the study of lapse rate assist in understanding of weather condition (NECTA 1973-1980 and 2005).
  • Explain the concept of the atmospheric stability and instability and show their effects on weather condition (NECTA 1974-1976).
  • Outline the characteristics and significance of the tropical monsoon winds (NECTA 2001).
  • Discuss the causes of air to ascend and the resultant weather phenomena (NECTA 1981).
  • Write an essay on atmospheric heat budget (NECTA 1987).
  • Examine the distribution and characteristics of tropical monsoon climate (NECTA 1973-1974).
  • Mountains make their own climate. Discuss the influence of ocean currents on climate to adjacently coastal areas (NECTA 1976-1990).
  • Give an explanation of the weather phenomena resulting from atmospheric instability (NECTA 1974).
  • Attempt an explanation of distribution of the world’s pressure and wind systems (NECTA 1980).
  • Attempt an explanation of distribution of pressure and wind systems (NECTA 1980).
  • Describe the planetary systems of pressure and show how the surface wind systems relate to it (NECTA 2002).
  • Classify air masses (NECTA 1996).
  • Give a general classification of the tropical air masses (NECTA 2002).
  • In what ways has climate influenced human life (NECTA 1983).
  • Describe and explain the composition of atmosphere (NECTA 1987).
  • Examine the global distribution and characteristics of the tropical continental climate (NECTA 1974). 97. Explain the conditions needed in the atmosphere for condensation and precipitation to take place (NECTA 1974).
  • The temperature of a given place is determined by various factors. Discuss (NECTA 1992).
  • Give brief explanatory account of the following terms
    • Radiation fog
    • Temperature inversion
    • An anticyclones
    • Lapse rate. (NECTA 1993).
  • (a). What is meant by temperature inversion?

(b). Give an account for temperature inversion in the atmospheric layers of troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere and thermosphere.

  1. Discuss the causes of air to ascend and resultant weather phenomenon (NECTA 1976, 1990) 102. Write short notes on the geographical concepts:- (a) Thunderstorms.
    1. Hurricanes.
    1. Temperature inversion.
    1. Classification of clouds.  (NECTA 2003).
  2. Variation in vegetation in Africa are the  result of variation of plant variables over a space justify (NECTA 2003)
  3. Give an account of temperature pressure system. (NECTA 2001).
  4. Write short notes on the following (a) Tornadoes.
    1. Convectional rainfall.
    1. Advection fogs.
    1. Frontal depression. (NECTA 1997).
  5. What do you understand by:
    1. Coriolis force.
    1. Centrifugal force. 
    1. Discuss their influence on the pressure and wind system of the earth (NECTA 1993).
  6. Discuss their influence on the pressure and wind system of the earth. (NECTA 1993).
  7. Define the following.
    1. An air mass.
    1. Temperature inversion.
    1. Advection fogs.
    1. Katabatic winds. (NECTA 1989).
  8. Giving examples where possible, examine the causes of precipitation (NECTA 1980).
  9. Define temperature lapse rate, and temperature inversion account for their occurrence in the atmosphere (NECTA 1998).
  10. Examine the various causes of climate changes experienced on the earth over different time scale (NECTA 2006).
  11. Explain the features of K’oppen’s classification of world climates (NECTA 2004).
  12. Give reasonable classification of deserts.
  13. Examine the characteristics of planetary winds.
  14. Explain in detail any six factors result to vertical variation of temperature in the atmosphere.
  15. Examine the phenomenon of the increase in air temperature with altitude above the earth’s surface 117. Explain five (5) factors which influence the direction, speed, and strength of wind          systems. 118. “Mountains make their own climate” Explain using ( 8 points)


  1. PARENT ROCK is a sole factor for the soil formation. Discuss with five points.
  2. (a) Describe different soil structural make up.

(b) Explain four (4) importance of soil structure in pedology.

  1. Prove the statement that “Soil variation is a function of soil forming processes”
  2. “Crop rotation is a one of the agronomical measures for soil conservation ” Give principles and potential significance of practicing it. (MOCK 2017)
  3. (a). Explain the factors affecting soil formation.

(b). Analyses any four types of azonal soil   (MOCK 2017) 124. (a). Describe the following terms.

  • Soil PH
    • Soil temperature
    • Cation exchange in soil
    • Soil catena

(b). Explain the importance of each item in (a) above (NECTA 2015).

  1. Analyze six properties to be considered when studying soil profile at the field (NECTA 2014).
  2. With the aid of well labeled diagram describe the ideal horizon of a matured soil profile.
  3. How do the following relate to soil fertility?
    1. Soil structure.
    1. Soil organic matter.
  4. Gumbo is a modal village in Tanzania implementing “Kilimo Kwanza” policy. However, there is a serious problem of soil erosion. Explain six (6) ways you will advise the villagers to control soil erosion (NECTA 2011).
  5. Explain the various processes involved in soil formation (NECTA 2012).
  6. Examine eight methods to use in soil conservation in order to improve agricultural production in Tanzania (NECTA 2013).
  7. Highlight the factors which influence the quantity and rate of accumulation of organic matter in the soil.

(NECTA 2010).
  1. Examine the factors which are important in assessing soil fertility. (NECTA 2009).
  2. Explain the role of human in soil fertility and suggest ways of improving soil fertility. (2008).
  3. Describe the classification of soils according to texture (NECTA 2007).
  4. Give clear classification of azonal soils (NECTA 2005).
  5. Examine the main factors which influence soil fertility (NECTA 2004).
  6. With examples analyze the factors which influence soil formation. (NECTA 2006).
  7. (a). What do you understand by “Soil conservation”?

(b). Give an account of the farming practices which will help to conserve soil. (NECTA 2003).

  1. Define Intrazonal soil and describe its chief characteristics. (NECTA 2002). 140. Describe the process involved in the formation and development of soil profile and  141. structure. (2001).

142. Soil is a product of human activities. Discuss (1999) 143. (a). What is soil conservation?

(b). Describe the importance of soil PH, texture and soil air to farmers (NECTA 2000).

  1. Explain the source and importance of soil organic matter. (NECTA 1999).
  2. What are the factors considered important in assessing soil fertility. (NECTA 1998).
  3. Show the interplay of climate, topography and parent material in soil (NECTA1990/1995).
  4. The nature of underlying rock is the most important single factor in determining soil type. Discuss (NECTA 1993).
  5. Explain the role of climate in soil profile development. (NECTA 1992).
  6. Briefly discuss how poor farming methods may destroy soil fertility. (NECTA 1991).
  7. (a). What is soil erosion?

(b). Discuss the different methods of controlling soil erosion. (NECTA 1989).

  1. Man especially in third world countries has been gradually sown the seed of his own destruction through starvation by his continued actions in aiding soil erosion. Comment on this statement and suggest how the problems of soil erosion can be checked (NECTA 1974). 152. Outline the principle results of soil leaching (NECTA 1976).
  2. Discuss the factors influencing the formation of soil (NECTA 1982).
  3. Describe the causes and effects of soil erosion (NECTA 1983).
  4. Examine the basis of the contention that” soil erosion will be more accurately referred to as accelerated soil erosion” (NECTA 1984).
  5. What is soil? Consider the farming techniques which may help in limiting further soil erosion (NECTA 1977).
  6. “Crop rotation is one of the agronomical measures for soil conservation” Give the          practices and potential significance of practicing it.
  7. Critically explain the significance of soil texture to the farmers (06 point) 159. (a) Examine the factors affecting soil formation

(b) Analyze any four types of Azonal soil

  1. (a) What is soil degeneration (loss of soil fertility)
    1. Explain the causes and effects of soil degeneration
  1. (a) Examine the characteristics of matured hypothetical soil profile (b) What are the three approaches used in soil classification. 162. (a) What is humus
    1. Explain the importance of humus


  1. How are the coastal characteristics features related to emergence and submergence of coastal lines?
  2. Variations in the nature of coastline are essentially the result of number of factors. Justify
  3. Describe five environmental problems facing the coastal areas and four measures to be taken so as to overcome them. (NECTA 2015)
  4. What are the chief factors which determine the character of coast? (1973) 167. What do you consider to be the main factors for coastal evolution?
  5. Examine the factors that have influenced the evolution of coastlines
  6. Briefly describe the world distribution of coral reefs. What are the main problems posed by their origin? (2008)
  7. What are the chief factors which determine the character of coasts?
  8. The present coastline definitely differs greatly from that of the last century. Give supporting evidences to prove the validity of the above statement. (2009)
  9. Give an account of landforms resulting from emergence and submergence of the coast line.
  10. Comment on the origins and geographical distribution of coral reefs. (1986)
  11. Describe five environmental problems facing coastal areas and four measures to be taken so as to overcome them. (2015)
  12. The coastal zone is undergoing constant changes. Discuss (1998)
  13. Explain the formation of coral reefs and give their economic significance. (2011)
  14. “Ocean currents are the outcome of the interaction of a number of factors.” Justify
  15. Examine the factors which influence the rate of coastal wave erosion. (2006) 179. Describe the evolution of a coastal land as results of waves. (2004).
  16. Justify the statement that ”salinity in oceans is a result of several causes”
  17. Explain the formation of main coastal features due to marine deposition (1992)
  18. Describe world’s distribution of coral reefs and discuss the problems posed by their origin.
  19. Examine the role of waves in the development of shorelines features. 184. Explain the following theories of origin of coral reefs
    1. Darwin’s theory
    1. Daly’s theory
    1. Murray’s theory
  20. Identify and explain the threat to the existence of coral reefs in the world.
  21. Describe the distribution of coral reefs in the world.
  22. Attempt the classification of coast on the basis of sea level change (MOCK). 188. (a) What is sea level changes
    1. Explain the causes of sea level changes
    1. Explain evidences that support the sea level changes phenomena.


  1. (a) Explain two types of river rejuvenation
    1. Elaborate the types of drainage system.
    1. Give the analysis of discordant drainage.
  2. Graded river profile is a complex and vague geomorphological concept. Discuss
  3. Aggradation is a one of the main functions of river. With aid of diagrams account for the associated features. (6 points)
  4. Explain eight factors responsible for the occurrence of river regime (NECTA 2016).
  5. What are the main types of river regime? Explain the factors which affect river regime.
  6. (a). Distinguish between Dynamic  and Static rejuvenation

(b). With the help of diagrams, what do you understand by “River capture” (1997)

  1. Climate is the most important single control of river regime. Discuss (1993)
  2. Give an account of the factors which influence development of the long and cross profile of a river valley. (1993)
  3. Discuss the land forms and the factors involved in the development of cross profile of a river.(1973)
  4. Distinguish clearly the kinds of river rejuvenation and explain the landforms associated with it.(2004)
  5. What is meant by the term “Rejuvenation” Giving reasons account of evidences which indicate part change of sea level  (1974)
  6. Discuss the concept of graded profile of a river and briefly discuss the obstacle to attain this stage. (1976)
  7. “Variation in river volume is an inevitable circumstance.” Discuss
  8. With reference to one continent discuss how regime of the rivers is related to climate.1980
  9. With reference discuss the relationship between drainage patterns and geological features or With specific examples explain briefly what is meant by
    1. Superimposed
    1. Antecedent
    1. River capture (1973)
  10. Discuss the landforms and the factors involved in the development of cross profile of a river. (1973) 205. Discuss the concept of graded profile of a river and briefly discuss the obstacles to attain this stage.
  11. With reference to one continent discuss how regimes of rivers are related to climate.
  12. Examine the factors influencing river rejuvenation. How does this fluvial process influence river profile. 
  13. How is the surface drainage related to the relief, rock type and structure? (1983) 209. Write an essay on the nature and geological significance of floods.
  14. Explain why the concepts of River Regimes are so important in Africa.
  15. Examine the role of rivers and agents of erosion
  16. Give an account of erosion features associated with a river in the lower course. (MOCK 2017) 213. With examples examine the roles of water in shaping the earth surface.
  17. Explain how water use can result to user’s  conflicts
  18. Examine the pieces of evidences to support the existence of river piracy
  19. Define river discharge and explain five (5) factors affecting the river discharge.


  • (a) What is soil salinity?

(a) Account for the vertical and horizontal movement of ocean water.

  • The concentration of salts in the oceans are influenced by several factors explain. (MOCK 2017).

OR Justify the statement that ”Salinity in oceans is a result of several causes”

OR Give an account of the factors which influence the salinity of ocean water (6 points)

  • Ocean currents are the product of interplay of a number of factors. Elaborate

OR “Ocean currents are the outcomes of the interaction of a number of factor” Justify

  • To what extent are ocean currents dependent upon planetary wind? (1989)
  • What geomorphological evidences are there to show the past changes in the sea level? (1984)
  • With reference to specific examples discuss the influence of ocean currents on the adjacent land areas.
  • Why does the Atlantic and Pacific water never mix? Explain the importance of marine resources to human



  • Examine the formation of lakes in a glaciated region.
  • Explain the importance of lakes to economic development of a country.
  • Explain various effects caused by water pollution in lakes.
  • Identify and explain various threats to lakes in Africa.
  • Giving examples identify and explain various lakes due to deposition.
  • With examples, explain how lakes are formed through diastrophism.
  • Attempt a classification of lakes found in the world.
  • Classify lakes according to their mode of formation. (2008)


  • Investigate the theories which aspire to describe the occurrence of glacial periods. 
  • (a). Describe the main types of glacier.

(b). Explain the factors that influence Ice movement. (MOCK 2017)

  • “Glaciated regions are not that bad” justify. (2013)
  • With the aid of diagrams, give an account of erosional features associated with alpine glaciation. (2011).
  • Examine the formation of lakes in a glaciated region (2009).
  • Write short notes on the formation of the following features (a) Cirque.
    • Roche Mountonee.
    • Crag and tail. (d) Kettle hole.
    • Pyramid peak
    • Ribbon lake
  • Investigate the theories which aspire to describe the occurrence of glacial periods. (2005).

239.Using specific examples for each contrast the effects of glaciation upon upland areas and low land areas. (2001)

  • There are many erosive and depositional features of Alpine glaciation, some of which are important to man “Justify the statement”
  • Discuss lake formation in glaciated landscape (1992).
  • What is glacial erosion? Describe the main glacier erosion landforms. (1986) 243. Attempt the classification of moraine.
  • Identify and explain various features due to glacial erosion.
  • Identify and explain various features due to glacial deposition.
  • Compare the effects of glaciation upon upland and low land areas?
  • Using different theories, justify the occurrence of the glacial periods.
  • (a) Give an account of the types of moraine.

(b) State the features formed due to glacial deposition in the low land.


  • “The amount of water in the ground depends much on different factors”. Validate this statement with eight points.
  • Classify subterranean water and gives their importance to man. (MOCK 2016) 251. Attempt the classification of underground water.
  • Identify and explain the factors that determine the rate and occurrence of underground water.
  • (a) What is hydrological cycle?
    • How is hydrological cycle important to human life?
  • Account for the structural development of springs.
  • (a) Briefly explain an artesian well.
    • What are the necessary conditions for the formation of this type of a well?
  • (a) In what ways does underground water become polluted?
    • What are the effects of pollution of underground water?
  • Briefly explain the following:
    • Aquiclude and Aquitard
    • Percolation and Infiltration
    • Pervious rock and Porous rock
    • Confined aquifer and Unconfined aquifer
    • Artesian basin and Artesian well
  • Give an account of the main factors which influence the infiltration of ground water (2011).


  • “Wetlands are not Wastelands” Discuss by giving eight points (NECTA 2017).
  • Wetlands have great role in the human life today. Describe this statement using any eight  (8) points (MOCK).
  • Identify and explain various efforts made by Tanzania to conserve her wetland.
  • Attempt the classification of wetlands found in Tanzania.
  • Identify and explain various threats to wetland areas in the world.
  • What challenges do exist in conserving the wetlands areas?
  • Explain eighty human activities that degrade wetlands. (NECTA 2015)


  • Describe the factors that control global distribution of plant community. (2014)
  • Explain the influence of climate and edaphic factors in the formation of plant community (2007) 268. Briefly explain the following:
    • Ecosystem
    • Habitat
    • Micro climate
    • Climax vegetation (2006)
  • Write short notes on the following:
    • Plant succession
    • Plant community
  • Climate is the single most important factors that determine the natural vegetation of a locality. Discuss  271. Discuss the factors other than climate that influence the natural vegetation of a place.
  • In what ways does altitude influence natural vegetation?
  • Describe the distribution and characteristics of Tropical rain forest (NECTA 1988).
  • Examine the distribution and characteristics of the coniferous forest (NECTA 1994).
  • Clearly differentiate between tropical evergreen forest and coniferous forest (NECTA 1994).
  • Examine the distribution and characteristics of the tropical grassland (NECTA 1981).
  • What are the main features of tropical green land? Where are these green land typically developed, and why? (Necta 1975).
  • How does the difference between the natural vegetation in Mediterranean land and tropical monsoon lands relate to climate. (NECTA 1982).
  • Account for the different between equatorial and monsoon forest (NECTA 1995).
  • Explain how the Mediterranean vegetation is adapted to climatic condition where they thrive. (NECTA 1980).
  • Account for the location of hot deserts and explain how plants are adopted to this hostile environment (NECTA1999).
  • Variations in variation in Africa are a result of variations of plant variables over space. Justify.

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