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(By Ngugi wa Thiong’o and Ngugi wa Mirii)
This play depicts the protest of peasants in Kenya after independence. It is the play that shows the plight (a difficulty and sad situation) of the peasant family like Kiguunda’s family. Kiguunda has only one and a half acre which he considers the basis of the family though the small piece of land is situated in the marginal area. The play dramatise high rate of exploitation as the foreigners use indigenous to exploit Kenyans as we see the multinational companies from abroad engineer people like Ahab Kioi wa Konoru to exploit fellow Africans. So the major attempt of this play is to dramatise high exploitation of workers and peasants by both the foreign capitalist and indigenous people who act as middlemen. The playwrights discuss the issues connected to neo-colonialism and its effects to the developing countries.
Thus this play is the criticism of the contemporary world where big companies from the developed countries in collaboration with the indigenous are exploiting the developing countries under the name of globalization so this play is generally an attack of neo-colonialism.
The play is made up by of three acts, where by act one is not divided into scenes, act two is divided into two scenes and act three has three scenes.
All these acts and scenes contain events as summarized here under:-
· At kingdom’s family, they are having a poor life. He has a square, mud
Walled white – ochred, one roomed house for the whole family. Gathon is using the floor as bed, where we see rags used as her bedding.
· 2nd Kiguunda and Wangeci are preparing for the visit (Kioi and his Wife Jezebel) Kiguunda mending the broken chain .In the process he cause the title dead fall on the floor He picked it and looked at it and proud of it but Wangeci never praised it as it is so small and the land itself is unproductive.
· The play writgt show the concept of drunkenness in the country especial people who have been dismissed from job.
· We see this through the dranker who passes by Kiguundas hou
se singing.
· He utters sarcastic words and starts to urinate such that Wangeci gets annoyed and chases him away.
· Another aspect in this act is Harambee for the churches and attempts the Christians to convert Wangeci.
· Kiguunda and Wangeci are against new religion and hate the Harambee which asks contributions for building churches from the poor.
· He says he doesn’t see the necessary of building church while it is used once a week. So Kiguunda chase away the group of singers.
· Conflict between Gathon and her mother, mother complains that Gathoni is busy doing her hair while she has a lot of domestic activities.
· Her mother tells her to help her but Gathon become furious
· She starts to complain of too much work and having not sent to school and the state of poverty where she uses the floor as her bed and the rages as her bedding
· She starts exchange bitter word with her mother and later her father shout at her in an intimidating manner
· The parents start discussing modern children that they have undergone moral decadence and they have no respect at all.
· Kiguunda and Wangeci discuss the problem of Wages after running shortage of salt. Hence he don’t have money to buy it
· They send Gathoni to Gicaamba to big salt. Kiguunda says the price of different things have gone so high while Wages have not risen
· K
iguunda complaining that they take long time working in farms of the rich people like Ikuua Wanditika and Kioi but they are paid low wages.
· Kiguunda says Ikuua and Kioi are exploiters hence calling them bedbugs.
· In this act we see the relationship between John Muhuuni and Gathoni;
· Wangeci says that Gathoni is misbehaving because of the relationship between her and John Muhuuni who keeps on hooting on the road in the presence of the parents. Gathoni goes to meet her boyfriend on the road.
· Wangeci later guess that perhaps the visiting of Kioi and Jezebel is to discuss about the marriage of John Muhuuni and their daughter. This was not the case to Kiguunda as he never thought of that.
· Gicaamba and Njooki are introduced in the play. They discuss the relationship between John Muhuuni and Gathoni
· Njooki caution them to tell Gathoni to cut relationship between her and John Muhuuni giving the reason that rich marry to the rich and poor to the poor so there won’t be any marriage as Gathoni and John do not belong to one class.
· They also discuss about the Wages and the way they are exploited in the factories and forms and they blame their fellow Africans like Ikuua and Kioi who work for the interest of the whites in Europe and America.
· We see the arrival of the expected guest plus two other people who make four guests in total ie Kioi, Jazebel, Samwel Ndugire and Helen who are well dressed. They start preaching and convince Kiguunda and Wangeci to be christain and go to the church to have their wedding blessed.
· Kiguunda get annoyed and chases them away. Wangeci blame him that he has done it in a hurried manner. She says he should have waited till they finish the full purpose of shier visitation.
· At the end of this act, Gathon comes in with new clothes and new shoes.
· Kiguunda and Wangeci are unhappy because they never bought their daughter those things so they become furious.
· Gathoni tells them that she has been requested by John to accompany him to Mombasa for a week.
· Kiguunda was completely annoyed but Gathoni never care about that she left them and go with John
· Wangeci calms her husband telling him to stop being dejected as she still have her illusion that the instance of Kioi to go to the church would probably mean to pave the way to the marriage of their daughter and John
SCENE I: Kiguunda brief Gicaamba and Njooki about Kios family that they want Gathoni and John Mhuuni to marry that’s why they want him and Wangeci to be Christian so
that the Marriage can be accepted.
– Gicaamba and Njooki do no accept
– Gicaamba tells them that they must avoid promises as promise doesnot mean delivery.Njooki stress by saying rich families never marry from poor families,Njooki still
says that true love between the two does not base on wealth or property.
– Gicaamba support her and shows his dejection against hypocrisy as people now a days just go church for fashion.
– Gicaamba shows hypocrisy and he says not only in marriage but also in churches. As he says when the rich dies they pray for him but when the poor man
die they don’t care about him/her and they don’t even pray for the burial ceremonies. That’s why Gicaamba add a proverb that “A rich man’s fart does not
stick” means that if someone is rich or a leader people do not consider his/her weakness.
– Gicaamba is against Christian marriage claiming that even the tradition wedding has blessings.
– Gicaamba says the new religion brought by the whites intend to soften the Africans so as to get an easy way to penetrate and exhaust Africans by establishing what they
want citing the way African religious leaders to the detention. Camps like Manyani, Mageta, Hola etc to facilitate the process of weakening the freedom fighter.
– Trying to persuade people to betray others by their secret but some refused like Wanjeri.
– Finally after a long discussion he discourage the blessing of marriage between Kiguunda and Wangeci in church and allowing the marriage between Gathoni
and Wangeci to take place.
– Wangeci seem to be enoyed as she want her marriage to be blessed in church so as to facilitate the marriage between her daughter John Muhuuni as she
has the illusion that her daughter will have better life.
– As a result she convice her husband to go to Kioi’s place to tell them that they accept his plan.Kiguundi accept and go to see Kioi the other day.

– At Kioi home, where we see the difference between Kiois home & that of Kiguunda Kio’s home is well furnished TV, sofa set, plastic flowers on the table, radiogram etc.
CONVERSATION. This shows that they are Christians. In the house there are Jezebel, Kioi, Ndugire, Hellen, Ikuua and a Waiter.
– Ikuua want to leave the place but before be leaves. They discuss about the insecticide factory that their friends from abroad want to build. They say the
factory should not build at the area where important people live but to the poor people like Kiguunda.
– Ikuua say the land to build factory should be bought from poor people as they sell their land because of laziness.
– He says once the land is bought Kioi should not write his name rather he should write either of his wife or his son John Muhuuni.
– These people seofem to use their wealth in marrying many wives. For instance Ikuua wa Nditika is a polygamist as he has two wives and he has the
intention of having the third one.
– After the departure Ikuua, Kioi tells Ndugire that he has sent his son to Malindi to check the plot he has bought near watamu bay where he wants to
erect a hotel bi
se of tourism the says the hotels are very profitable as there are many tourists from different countries like America, France and German.
– Kioi blaming the workers that they usually demand increases salaries giving reason of paying school fees or having sick people in hospitals.
– We see in this scene the rich are criticising the churches of the poor just because they are run by illiterate people.
– The arrival of Kiguunda and Wangeci at Kioi’s place
– Wangeci is humiliated by the waiter who draws away a tray as she tries to pick up a cup of tea. This shows that at Kioi’s family food is prepared by
considering the number of people (This is western culture)
– Also Kiguunda and Wangeci are given water from the drum while some of it is in the huge jar on the table. This is another humiliation.
– Kiguunda express what brought them there, he says they are read their marriage to be blessed in the church, Kioi’s are so impressed to hear that.
– Kiguunda introduces the issue of economic crises hence he can not afford the expenses Kioi advises him to take the loan promising him to secure the
loan. Kiguunda agrees with the idea hence promises to bring the title – dead next day.
Scene I
-New outlook at Kiguunda’s place. New plates caps, basins, new dining table with chairs, suitcase etc. On the wall we see words like that of Kioi’s home
-Kiguunda and Wangeci are very happy with the changes and they are determined to go to the church for the blessings of their marriage
-We see Wangeci and Kiguunda are rehearsing for the wedding ceremony, Singing Christian songs.
-During their rehearsal Gathoni arrives weaping claiming that she has jilted by John Muhuuni after impregnated her.
-She tells her parents that she has conceived because John tells her that she cannot marry a girl before being pregnant as he afraid to marry a barren.
-Kiguunda tells Gathoni that, it is what she wanted because she does not consider his advice.
-Wangeci suggests that they should go to see Kioi for the matter and advise him to let children marry first before blessing their marriage.

Scene II
-At Kioi’s place, where we see Ikuua and Kioi are alone in the room busy counting money.
-They also discuss the establishment of the factory. Ikuua suggests that they should buy the land to the poor people and if Kiguunda will accept that it will be good.
-Kioi shows nepotism as he says/ suggests that John Muhuuni should be the director of the factory
-As he says that their sons should practice responsibility “charity begins at home” Kioi’s said.
-After the departure of Ikuua, Kiguunda and Wangeci arrive at Kioi’s place.
-They tell Ahab Kioi wa Kinoru to postpone their marriage blessing instead they should let children (Gathon and John)to marry first as John has impregnated Gathoni.
-Kioi become angry and reject the idea and he says that his son cannot do that as he has been brought up in a Christian way .
-Kioi chases away Kiguunda clamming that he is telling him nonsense. Kiguunda threaten Kioi that he will take the matter before the law but Kioi says it will not help
-Kiguunda take out his sword threaten to kill Kioi if he cannot sign the agreement. Kioi saved by his wife who comes with the gun and orders Kiguunda to drop his sword Kiguunda dropped his sword but when he wants to take it Jazebel fires the bullet in air where Kiguunda fall down.
-It is in this point where we see that Gathoni did not marry John and it is in this point we prove what Njooki was saying that rich people never marry from poor and poor people never marry from the rich.
-It is in this point we see the concept of disillusion of Kiguunda and Wangeci as their illusion did not come true.

Scene III
-At Kiguunda place. After two weeks Kiguunda is away and his home is like as it was the beginning of the play as all the new things he bought were not there expect the picture of Nebuchadnezzar and the words which was written on the wall.
-Wangeci is dejected and Njook is near her trying to comfort her. Gicaamba is shaking his head showing disbelief of what has happened.
In this scene we see how women and girl are being treated.
-Gathoni has been chased away from home by her father something which makes Wangeci uncomfortable. As she says that her daught has gone to be a barmaid which she associate it with being prostitute. Gicaamba advises her not to call a children prostitute as this negative repercussion has been caused by the parents who neglect woman in giving them education. He says women have been neglected
even before colonialism by tradition and customs
-Gicaamba complain that people have completely forgotten the rule played by women from family level to the national level.
-He says women in Kenya fought for independence but many of them died in the forest still they are neglected.
-Njooki says being a housemaid is not a good job hence he consider Gathoni that she is jobless. She also says housemaid is being used by their bosses as their wife when their real wife is away.
-Kiguunda was dismissed from the job after exchanging bad words with Kioi. His and has been sold by the bank to Kioi, Ikuua and whites as he fail to pay back the loan because he engage himself into drinking too much. He sold his furnishes but he never paid back the loan.
-Kiguunda conflict with his wife as the wife is against the habit of drinking. Wangeci attack Kiguunda because of his habit as a result Kiguunda fight with his wife and they are separated by Gicaamba and Njooki.
-Gicaamba advises them to stop fighting as fighting cannot eliminate their problem (this shows that Gicaamba is a wise man) . Instead they should sit and think together the way they can use to solve their problems and think critically who are their real enemies and how to fight against these enemies like exploitation, Poverty, oppression etc.
-Gicaamba insist unity as the only way they can use to eliminate poverty.
He also discourages the habit of drinks so much as they can not solve their problem in that way.
(i) Symbolism
The title I WILL MARRY WHEN I WANT has been used symbolically to represent the way people especially girls need freedom in different perspectives of life.
For instance the issue of Gathoni’s marriage where by the mother force her to get a husband but Gathoni tells her that she will marry when she wants.
Gathoni “Sorry!
I shall marry when I want
Nobody will force me into it” Page 16
  • It also symbolize too much freedom that girls want to have which result into negative repercussion.
  • It also shows the way people are traditional due to ignorance hence they want things to happen as they want.
  • Bedbugs
This refers to the class of exploiters like Koi IKua and the foreigners who use the poor people while paying them very low wages.
  • Gun & Sword
This symbolizes the struggle between the superior against inferior are the rich Vs the poor. The sword shows the weakness of the poor while the gun shows the strength of the rich.
  • Wedding
-It shows the justification of love between the two
-It also shows the satisfaction and blessings given by the society to the couples
In the play we see the concept of second marriage between Kiguunda & Wangeci at first they refused.This shows that people have freedom in making decision.
The acceptance of the second wedding shows the weakness of the tradition weddings that they are not blessed and traditional customs and norms are not accepted
This symbolizes the acceptance of Neo-colonialism in African societies.
  • Trumpet
This symbolize unit as it is used to call the oppressed,exploited,humiliated etc so as to unit and struggle against evils.Page 115
(ii) Hyperbole
“….. your face shone like the clear moon at night
Your eyes like the stars in heaven
Your breasts were full and pointed like the tip of the sharpest thorn ……………..” pg 22
“……….. when I see her I am unable to walk ……….” Pg23
Those are used to emphasize the idea or concept
As Gicaamba says, “……. Poverty is like poison in a body “pg 42. Also Wangeci says wedding cake which is as white as a snow or as white as a wedding dress pg 96
“We the workers are like that monkey” pg 33
(iv) Metaphor
Gicaamba says
“……….The owners of these companies are real scorpions” pg 33. In this metaphor Gicaamba show how the owners of the Company save or saving for their interest and not to help the poor
“…………… Religion is the alcohol of the soul!”
“………….. Religion is the poison of the mind!”pg 61
Kiguunda says
“………….. that silenced the entire forest making even the tree to listen ………..” pg 23 in real sense trees can not listen
Wangeci tells Gicaamba that, Kiguunda had become married to chibuku Liquor! Pg 106
(vi) Vulgarism
This is the use of words which have no good teste or without use of empharnism as Kiguunda tells her daughter:-
“A man brags about his penis however small” pg 51
The playwright use this to show uneducated people are poor in selecting words during communication
(vii) Euphemism
To use a word to reduce harshness of a particular word.
Wangeci tells Kiguunda:-
“………. Gathoni being a child,
Does she realize that man have prickly needles! pg 20-21
Here the playwright uses Euphemism i.e. prickly needles to avoid mentioning the genital part
(viii)Code switching or barbarism
I.e. shifting from one language to another. The aim of this is to emphasize the point. As Kiggunda tells Gathoni
“………….. If ever I see or hear that again ………!
Utakiona cha Mtema Kuni
“………. To enable us to educate boys and girls?
Go away
These are given intentionally to worn or educate someone
– “ A man brags his own penis however tiny” pg 4
Means that a person should proud his own property however small
– “Many hands make work high” pg 12
This proverb calls for unit hence people should unity to fight against Malpractices
– “An aging hero has no admires” pg 13
Wangeci tells Kiguunda. This means that there is a tendence of neglecting people (hero) who fought for something. For instance those who fought for independence
– “Utakiona cha Mtema Kuni” pg 17
This is a Swahili proverb given to worn or threaten someone
This was uttered by Kiguunda to intimidate his daughters
– “The given does not know when the granary is empty” pg 18
Kiguunda says this to his wife to emphasize the way he is financially. He says he has given all the money to her hence he doesn’t have more money
– “ A flower is robbed of the colours by the fruit it bears!” pg 29
Wangeci tells Kiguunda. As Kiguunda seem to show the dissatisfaction of the fellow Africans as there is nothing new since they have attain independence. This means that it is your son,
relative or fellow people who can help you and not the distance people.
– “If you want to rob a monkey of a baby it is holding you must first through it a handful of peanuts” pg 33
– “ A parent is never nauseated by the mucus from his child’s nose” pg 52
“A she goat suckles its young however deformed
– “Promises do not mean delivery”
Clouds may be in the sky but it does not mean it will rain pg 53
Gicaamba tells Kiguunda & Wangeci
– “Charity begins at home” pg 100

(x)Songs and dances

Poetic appreciation is a step by step analysis of the features or the elements within a poem
The word appreciating a poem attempts to understand it in detail and therefore enjoy the sounds and purpose, the elements of the poems also differ.
There are many ways of appreciating a poem just as they are very many different elements to be found in different poems.
Since the person appreciating the poem attempts to look in the poems and the success we do not talk about what is not found in the poem rather we are satisfied by the elements within a particular poem
S – Subject matter
P – Purpose
E – Emotions/mood
C – Crafts man ship/technique / style
Can assist as the identify poetic elements in a poem the craftsmanship consist of
S – Structure
L – Language
I – imagery
M – Movement/Rhythm
S – Sound


A Tanzania poet who worked for the Tanzania Tourist Corporation
The Dying, Child
Thin and red,
Skinny and bald
The boy groans on the ground
Swollen stomach
Full of waste,
Thin arms,
As the boy
Fights with files
Over the empty plate

Ten years old
He looks older than ten,
And so small
As he wriggles
Of his unproportioned body,
‘Mother’ shouted the boy
When I grow up
I will carry a gun
And not a pen!
‘My son’ shouted the mother
‘My son” cries the mother
‘You will never live to carry a gun
There is no meat for us

The poem is about a ten year boy who suffers from Kwashiakor caused by Malnutrition, where we see the boy is busy fighting with flies over the empty plate. The boy is thin. Bald red skin, has thing leg and arms .
The boy has swollen stomach which is full of waste which makes the boy groans on the ground because of his imbalanced/proportioned body
We see the boy who is ten years old but he looks older than his real age. The boy has vagence mind hence he tells his mother that when he grows up he will carry a gun and not a pen but the mother shouts to her boy that he will never live to carry a gun as there is no meat for him to make him survive. This shows that the mother is disillusioned.
The poet shows irresponsibility of the government which does not show any concern to those people who live under extreme poverty. Hence the citizen are living hopelessly for instance the mother who cries bitterly to her dying son. As we see in 2nd stanza 14-16verses. Also we see irresponsibility show by the mother as she lives her son to fight with flies over the empty plate as in 1st stanza verse 9th up to 10th
“fights with flies over the empty plate”
This is irresponsibility because the mother knows very well the effects of eating with flies
Imagery: The poet draws the mental picture so that we see the dying child as the son has thin arms swollen stomach, thin leg and has unproportioned body also we see the image of the groaning and staving child who is fighting with flies over the empty plate due to shortage of food as a result of his poor family
The choice and arrangement of words in a poem in this poem we see that the poet is real struggling to use words which will effectively convey what the intended to the society, so while reading any poem one need to be very keen in making sense of the words used as they both have exactly meaning and connotations. For example words like “skinny”, “bald” “thin” swollen stomach, “flies” and “pen” they are all used in associate meaning. For example from the poem the word “flies” in the 1st stanza the 9th stanza associate with dirty or rotten
In the 1st stanza the 3rd verse the words “groans” and ground the consonant/g/is repeated. Therefore alliteration is used to show emphasis but also create the rhythm of the poem
‘the boy groans on the ground’
In the 1st stanza the 4th verse the word “swollen “and “stomach” also alliterate because they both begin with consonant sound/s/ This repetition is made intentionally to emphasize the concept of poverty, malnutrition and the suffering of the boy
swollen stomach
Use of stanza
The poem has two stanza. The 1st stanza has 11 verses and the 2rd stanza has 15 verses
In 2nd stanza the 13th and 14th verse are parallel
The verses have similar structure to emphasize the disappointment of the mother who sees the suffering of her dying child
“my son, shouted the mother

My son cries the mother”
The word “thin is repeated in the 1st stanza in the 1st, 6th and 7th verses to express the horrible condition of the boy. This repetition helps the poet to evoke the feeling of sympathy towards the referred boy
“Thin and red…
Thin leg
Thin arms”
The poet uses the dialogue between the boy and the mother, this is made to reveal the real situation of the mother and his son. As we see in the 2nd stanza, the 8th , 9th, 10th, 11th, 13th and 15th verses the poet says
“ Mother, shouted the boy
When I grow up
I will carry a gun
And not a pen!
“my son, shouted the mother

my son, cries the mother
“you will never lie to carry a gun

there is no meat for us”

What is the subject matter?
The poem is about the incoming of a certain situation in a village, suddenly and out of nowhere living the people shocked as they wonder about.
– Identify the instances of Alliteration
In the second stanza, the 5th line “wind whistles” in the third stanza the 4th line “whirling wind” in the third stanza the 4th line “whirling wind” in the 2nd line of the 4th stanza “wind whistles” 2nd line of the 1st stanza clouds come.
Explain the effect of onomatopoeia
Being words which imitate sounds produced by an action, onomatopoeia in this poem occurs “whirling wind” (3rd stanza 4th line) the effect of it is that is emphasized on that is been told and it enhances imagination at large tremble, Rumple….
– Identify and explain the use of imagery
Imagery in the poem is greatly used to explain the incoming of the storm which is said to be hurrying with the wind, here and there like a plague of locusts showing its speed like a mad man chasing nothing its direction.
“Pregnant clouds” showing the shape of the clouds which are likely to be heavy and ready to release its weight anytime. “Clothes wave like tattered flags expressing” expressing the situation of the women’s clothes due to the wind direction.
– Show and explain the significance of personification in the poem
Personification refers to the process of giving non- human beings human traits. In the poem “pregnant clouds” (2nd stanza,1st line) clouds are said to be pregnant representing their current state of expansion.
The significance of personification in the poem is that it brings a dramatic expression and makes the poem interesting to convey the mood of any kind meant by the poet. Also personification makes it easy to relate (the poet idea and the object personified).
Children are naturally always pleased to experience something interesting, the wind, and thunder was thought to be of great pleasure to them so they cry with delight, there not aware of the danger.
10. Explain the deeper meaning of the poem
The poem is about the incoming of colonialism in Africa from the west “clouds come hurrying with the wind”, this represent the colonialists rushing to Africa for their needs such as raw materials market and land. Turning sharply her and there like a plague of locusts. His involves the great number or influx of the colonialists in Africa, like a madman chasing nothing, knowing the potentials of the territory.
“Pregnant clouds”, the colonialists are seen to be excited and and ready to exploit any chance they get in Africa. The whole second stanza show how determined they were and also proved to the evil “like dark sinister wings” wind whistles by using force and measures such as congest land alienation forced labour and others for the aim of getting what they want.
The third stanza explains the reaction of the nature of native of Africa to the incoming situation, that is colonialism filed with fear, women dart about in and their children screaming with delight, the fact that they are more or less pleased to see and experience new people and probably new rules in their villages. There said to move madly posing confusion among them toward the situation
In the whole situation, the last stanza shows how colonialism exploited and humiliated African clothes wave like tattered flags due to the wind which in this case is colonialism. They were put under poor working conditions as slaves paid low wages and more.

So long as men can breathe or eyes can see meaning so long as life, goes on and many shall pass the woman will never be compared with another.
2. The main theme of the poem is LOVE
The poem is talking about love. The poet has love feelings towards a woman who he describes as the most beautiful and lovely woman. He compares her to summers day. And whatever happens, life
goes in but she will always be the best.
3. The poet is in romantic mood as he expresses his feeling towards a woman
4. Rhyme scheme
abab, cdcd, efef,gg
5. Spencerian sonnet
This sonnet combines the Italian and the Shakespearean poem, it has three quatrains and a couplet but it has linking rhymes among the quainttrains. The Spenserian sonnet rhymes schema is ababa bcbc ee e.g. however those sonnets are very rare.

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