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Ways to Decorate Small Home to Look Twice as Spacious ~

  – A comfortable and spacious residence is certainly the dream of many people. One of the keys to having a comfortable residence even though a small house is with the right design and arrangement. Below are some tips and how to design and decorate so that the house looks more comfortable and even looks twice as big as the original size.

Open plan concept


Applying the concept of open-plan or without barriers is certainly a good thing and widely used. This concept means combining several rooms into one room. Usually what is often combined is the living room, kitchen, and dining room. Although it gives the effect of the room looking wider, it needs the right arrangement so that the room is not narrow and comfortable.

Use white color


The theory of using white is very working for a small house. The white color itself can give the effect of a small room looking bigger, airy, and clean. You can apply the whole room in white, both on the interior and the furniture. If you don’t want a room that seems monotonous because there is only white, combine it with other colors for a neat room.

Functional items


Minimizing the use of items in a small room is certainly a mandatory thing to do. This is to reduce the impression of a room that feels narrow because of the many items in it. However, if you have a lot of important items, try to use functional furniture. Such as cabinets with many cabinets, beds whose bottom has drawers as storage, and so on.

Window and ventilation are important things


A house that has good air circulation is certainly very healthy and makes residents have good health and comfort. One way for the house to have smooth air circulation is with ventilation or windows. Try to make each room have both of these things.

Maximize the space


Maximizing the space at home is one way to have a spacious and comfortable residence. You can use empty areas such as under stairs or corners for example used as functional spots. With a compact design, this will prevent the house from the impression of being messy because it is left empty or messy and also a design that is less noticed.

Reflect the room with a mirror


Placing a mirror in one of the narrow spaces is certainly a good thing. The nature of the mirror that can reflect the room or surrounding conditions can make a narrow space appear twice as large. Make sure to install the mirror in a good place and do not install a mirror that is parallel to the door or window.

Additional lighting


In addition to the main lamp as lighting in the room, you can also install additional lights as additional lighting. It never hurts to do this, the brighter the room, the bigger the room will look.

Author     : Yuniar
Editor      : Munawaroh
Source    : Various Source

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