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7 Objects to Create a Mediterranean Kitchen Decor ~

  – Got a Mediterranean style house? Or you’ve ever dreamed of having a house with the Mediterranean style? Maybe you can get started in your kitchen area.

It is indeed difficult to find the perfect balance between functionality and design in a kitchen. However, with some unexpected items, such as seat and patterned cushions, you can create a Mediterranean-style kitchen. You will need the following items for your Mediterranean kitchen decor:

1 . Interesting Cabinet


The point is to get an interesting kitchen cabinet with the white paint on the top and side, and black on the front. Add brass on the handles or door.

2 . Monochromatic Tiles


The impression of the Mediterranean style will increase when you change the color of your kitchen tiles with the eclectic black and white colored tiles. Do not use plain tiles, select the ones with patterns.

3 . Unique Antique Table


Similar to a middle east styled house, creating a Mediterranean style kitchen can be done by putting the traditional Spanish table that has a unique detail. You can find those with spiral shaped legs.

4 . Country Style Kitchen Equipment


For the kitchen equipment, you can choose the ones with a country style. A wooden cutting board with a polish could be a good option. Do not forget to adjust the color of the board with the knife and other kitchen utensils.

5 . Ethnic Motif Cushion


Decorate the window in the kitchen by putting a minimalist sofa seating along with pillowcases from fish material or woven or linen.

6 . Patterned Cutlery


Mediterranean style is well known with a mixture of modern and classic shades which is eclectic. It is your time to replace your floral patterned tableware with abstract motifs such as tribal or mosaic.

7 . Black Gold Accents


A touch of black and gold will make the impression of a Mediterranean style kitchen increase. You can apply these colors on cake or candy jars, table lamp, chairs, towels, and so forth.

Well, know you know that creating a Mediterranean kitchen design is not that complicated. Simply find these seven items and you will have your dream kitchen design. Good luck.

Author : Yuniar

Editor : Munawaroh

Source : Various Source

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