All posts Geography Form 3 Geography Form 4 GEOGRAPHY OF UGANDA NOTES

Environmental degradation (desertification in Uganda)

Environmental degradation (desertification in Uganda Notes)Environmental degradation is the deterioration of the available renewable and non renewable resources. It is the decline of the productive

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Kcse Geography Notes Form Three

· Geography Form 3 Notes : Agriculture 2 – LIVESTOCK FARMING· Geography Form 3 Notes : AGRICULTURE· Geography Form 3 Notes : SOIL· Geography Form

All posts Geography Form 3 Geography Form 4 GEOGRAPHY OF UGANDA NOTES

Industrialization in Uganda

Industrialization in Uganda NotesUganda traditionally is an agricultural economy; however there have been some efforts to achieve large scale industrial growth. Uganda‘s industrial sector started

All posts Geography Form 3 Geography Form 4 GEOGRAPHY OF UGANDA NOTES

Mining in Uganda

Mining in Uganda Notes Mining refers to all the processes through which both metallic and non-metallic materials are extracted from the earth’s crust. A mineral

All posts Geography Form 3 Geography Form 4 GEOGRAPHY OF UGANDA NOTES

The forestry industry in Uganda

The forestry industry in Uganda NotesA forest is a close stand of trees that form a canopy or canopies on top.Forestry refers to the management

All posts Geography Form 3 Geography Form 4 GEOGRAPHY OF UGANDA NOTES

Energy resources in Uganda

Energy resources in Uganda NotesEnergy resources are resources which can be used to provide heat, light and motion power. Uganda has got a variety of

All posts Geography Form 3 Geography Form 4 GEOGRAPHY OF UGANDA NOTES

Transport sector in Uganda (Transport and communication in Uganda)

Transport sector in Uganda (Transport and communication in Uganda Notes)The term transport refers to the process whereby passengers are moved from one place to another.

All posts Geography Form 3 Kcse Notes

Geography Form 3 Notes : STATISTICS

F 3 GEOGRAPHY STATISTICS COMPOUND/CUMULATIVE/DIVIDED BAR GRAPHMajor cash crops exported in Kenya in tonnesCROP19901991199219931994COFFEE45005000520060005900TEA13001100250021002200MAIZE800900500400400WHEAT600500600700500StepsCROP1990CT1991CT1992CT1993CT1994COFFEE450045005000500052005200600060005900TEA130058001100610025007700210081002200MAIZE8006600900700050082004008500400WHEAT6007200500750060088007009200500TOTAL72007500880092009000 Set cumulative totals for the data each year  Draw vertical axis(Y) to