All posts Geography Form 2 Kcse Notes

Geography Form 2 Notes : VEGETATION

VEGETATION–Plant cover on the earths surface.Types of VegetationNatural Vegetation-Which grows by natural means of seed dispersal without interference and modification by man.Semi- Natural/Derived Vegetation-Natural vegetation

All posts Geography Form 2 Kcse Notes

Agriculture Form 3 – Farm Structures

  IntroductionFarm structures are physical constructions on the farm used to increase efficiency in production.Construction of Farm Structures Involves:Planning for farm structures Consider; Farm activities. Size

All posts Geography Form 2 Kcse Notes

Agriculture Form 3 – Agricultural Economics II (Land Tenure and Land Reforms)

 IntroductionLand is an important factor of production.Without land it is impossible to practice the agricultural business.However, the efficiency of utilization of land is influenced to