All posts Christian Religion(C.R.E) Form 2 Kcse Notes


· Christian Religion (C.R.E) Form 2 Notes : THE PASSION, DEATH AND RESURRECTION OF JESUS LK. 22 – 24 + Questions And Answers· Christian Religion

All posts Christian Religion(C.R.E) Form 2 Kcse Notes

Christian Religion (C.R.E) Form 2 Notes : THE INFANCY AND EARLY LIFE OF JESUS – LUKE 1:26 – 38

THE INFANCY AND EARLY LIFE OF JESUS – LUKE 1:26 – 38a. Angel Gabriel announces the birth of Jesus. Angel Gabriel said that Mary would

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Christian Religion (C.R.E) Form 2 Notes : THE JERUSALEM MINISTRY Luke, 19: 28 – 21: 38

THE JERUSALEM MINISTRY Luke, 19: 28 – 21: 38THE TRIUMPHANT ENTRY OF JESUS TO JERUSALEM LK.19:28 – 40a. The triumphant approach to Jerusalem. Luke 19:

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Christian Religion (C.R.E) Form 2 Notes : THE GALILEAN MINISTRY – LUKE 3-8

THE GALILEAN MINISTRY – LUKE 3-8John the Baptist and Jesus ChristTHE PREACHING OF JOHN THE BAPTIST (Luke3: 1 – 20)John the Baptist preached about:a. Baptism

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FORM TWO NOTES GOD MEETS US IN JESUS CHRISTST. LUKE’S GOSPELINTRODUCTIONMatthew, Mark, Luke and John record the life of Jesus Christ and his ministry in the

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Christian Religion (C.R.E) Form 2 Notes : THE PASSION, DEATH AND RESURRECTION OF JESUS LK. 22 – 24 + Questions And Answers

THE PASSION, DEATH AND RESURRECTION OF JESUS LK. 22 – 24Passion is a strong feeling of love, hate or anger. Passion of Jesus is the

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Christian Religion (C.R.E) Form 2 Notes : THE JOURNEY TO JERUSALEM – LUKE ch. 9-18

THE JOURNEY TO JERUSALEM – LUKE ch. 9-18IntroductionAs Jesus travelled to Jerusalem, He prepared His disciples for the life they were to lead after He

All posts Christian Religion(C.R.E) Form 2 Kcse Notes

CRE Form Two Questions And Answers

Revision questionsa. Give the different names used in reference to the Lord’s Supper by Christians in different churchesb. Describe the institution of the Lord’s Supperc,