All posts Biology Revision Questions and Answers

16. Human health Questions And Answers

16. Human health Questions1.  a) Name the causative agent of cholera.    b) Name the intermediate hosts in the life cycle of the following parasites;

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6. Gaseous exchange in (a) plants (b) animals Questions And Answers

 6. Gaseous exchange in (a) plants (b) animals Questions1.  a) Name the site of gaseous exchange during breathing in mammals.  b) State three characteristics of

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11. Growth and development in (a) plants (b) animals Questions And Answers

 11. Growth and development in (a) plants (b) animals Questions1.  a) Name the hormone which controls moulting in insects.  b) State the importance of moultng

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8. Excretion and homeostasis Questions And Answers

 8. Excretion and homeostasis Questions1.  Explain the following:-  i) Fresh water fish excrete ammonia ii) Glucose is absent in urine yet present in glomerular filtrate

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9. Ecology Questions And Answers

9.  Ecology Questions 1.  A student wanted to estimate the number of grasshoppers in 5km2 grass field near the school compound. Using a sweep net

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4. Nutrition in (a) plants (b) animals Questions And Answers

 4. Nutrition in (a) plants (b) animals Questions1.  The chemical equation below represents a physiological process that takes place in livingorganisms:  C6H12O6 + C6H12O6 C12H22O11

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13. Evolution Questions And Answers

 13. Evolution Questions1.  a) Distinguish between homologous and analogous structures in evolution.  b) Name one vestigial structure in mammals.2.  a) Give two examples of adaptive

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7. Respiration Questions And Answers

7. Respiration Questions1.  (a) Distinguish between gaseous exchange and respiration  (b) Name the products of anaerobic respiration in plants2.  (a) State two phases of aerobic